There is no easier way to make intruders look dumb and dumber than a well-prepared household with a clever security system. While having a friendly neighborhood is a bonus to pleasant living, planning your home defense is one of the practical ways you can do for your family.
Home security is very vital, so here are ten ways to secure your home in the Philippines without making it appear like a fortress (note that these security tips don’t cover if you’re a renter):
1. Don’t build high walls. We associate high walls in the Philippines with the wealthy, so keep your perimeter simple but show enough prominence that you value privacy. Remember, the less attractive your home is to burglars, the safer it is for the household.
2. Don’t keep valuables inside. It is always a good idea to store your wealth somewhere safe where an agency protects it. So, keep your priceless possessions offsite and out of reach of intruders.
3. Secure your air conditioner. A typical air conditioner commonly requires a large hole in the wall that even an oversized thief can sneak in and see what’s inside, so put extra security around it to secure the entire unit. A better approach is to use split-type air conditioners instead of window-type air-con.
4. Avoid large dog doors. Although we rarely practice this in the Philippines, take extra care when installing a dog door because a decided intruder can always mimic your pet and crawl his way in.
5. Avoid installing glass near your doorknob. The glass material can add up to an elegant home design, but installing it near your doorknob can give a welcoming clue for an intruder to smash it and reach for the doorknob.
6. Install security lighting. Intruders always love to stay in the shadows, so install a strong lighting system in your outdoor surroundings to dishearten them. A well-placed security lighting also enables your family to enjoy the outdoor fixtures of your property at night, helps avoid accidents, and even magnifies your property’s aesthetic landscape at sundown.
7. Create open space. Open spaces are always a good way to make intruders hesitant to break cover and expose themselves, so avoid shrubbery where strangers can easily camouflage their way to your home.
8. Get a watchdog. While every dog has a good instinct of keeping strangers at bay, a watchdog can add an advantage to your home security because you can train it to defend your household.
9. Don’t display valuables. Valuables are hot stuff and can entice a thief, upon seeing them, to calculate his earnings and plan his way inside. So be careful not to leave your valuables in the open where passers-by can notice them.
10. Don’t reveal your security system. Keep outsiders guessing, so don’t display security stickers in obvious places on your property where intruders can easily notice and get a clue of any security weakness.
What is your experience with home defense in the Philippines? Share it in the comment section.
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